Sunday, October 31, 2010

naming this thing

I really don't like "Wish on a Star." I thought it would work, but it doesn't. Another benefit of having no readers--no one can give a shit about what title I give my blog. Except me.

I need something more active, but can't go back to Wishing on a Star because it's already taken. Rachael's wishing on a star? Ick. I was thinking about Wishing on a Star: Life after IF. But I'm not really after IF, because we might try to have a second baby. I advanced age, the miscarriage problem, the pain and agony. Blah blah. So "after" If doesn't work. Life In IF? Life as a middle aged mother? This feels most true.

I'll keep working on it. But I literally woke up last night and wondered what the heck can I call this blog that I don't hate? Or that, g-d forbid, I might like?

More to talk about later. It's halloween and we decided NOT to dress up W for the holiday, but as it creeps up on 3pm, I'm wishing we had. How cute would that have been? Argh.

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